Curriculum Vitae, CV, Resume
A CV contains in brief all information about you that is relevant for the job: personal information, education, work experience etc. The CV shows what qualifications and experiences you have that make you an ideal candidate for the position.
Structure and Content
- Personal Information
name, address, phone number, email, nationality, date of birth - Summary of Qualifications (where appropriate)
- Work Experiences (current experiences first)
period of time, company name and address, position, brief description of your responsibilities and achievements - Education and Training (current experiences first)
period of time, name of institution, qualifications - Further Information
other skills (e.g. foreign language skills), additional information that may support your objective and qualifications
Sometimes the terms CV (Curriculum Vitae) and resume are synonymous, although people in the UK normally use the term CV, not resume. In the USA, a resume (1-2 pages) is not as long and detailed as a CV, which is usually required when applying for a position in an academic field.
Word List on CV and Resume
- Personal Information
- name
- address
- telephone
- e-mail / email
- nationality
- date of birth
- marital status
- single
- married
- married with children
- divorced
- widowed
- Work Experience
- Experience
- Employment History
- Related Experience
- employer
- occupation / position
- activities and responsibilities
What have your jobs been so far?
- Education
- Education and Training
- primary school
- secondary school
- qualification
- O levels, GCSE
- A levels, High School Diploma (US)
- training / vocational training
- further training / extended vocational training
- internship
- degree in / diploma in
What have you studied so far?
- Personal Skills and Competences
- Personal Competences / Competencies
- Personal Skills
- computer skills
- mother tongue
- other languages / foreign languages
What are you good at? go to the following page and choose what your skills are:
May 24
Workshop in class
Hello teacher, I Could end the design of the curriculum vitae in , the problem is that page does not allow the downloading of information but I was able to extract the information to word format, I will send the information to the mail ....
Miguel A.