
April 10

Have you ever wondered what life would be like without the telephone, car, and electricity? It would be very hard to go about our lives without those important inventions!

According to you, what are the top 10 inventions of all time and who are their inventors?
Go to the following page and check out how much you know about inventions and inventors

And what about the current inventions? take a look at the following odd, weird and unusual inventions:

And take a look at these top 5 laziest inventions:

What are these inventions used for?

Homework assignment:

Choose 1 invention from the following links and be ready to speak about it.  Take into account the following questions:

1. who invented the invention?
2. When was it invented?
3. What is this invention used for?


  1. for one of my favorites is the automobile invectos

    the need to transport or carry objects led men to seek solutions to this problem.
    the story brought many changes, from the carriages, through multiple physical and technological transformations to see cars today average high and low range.
    important men who made great changes to improve automobiles, ford heryn, karl benz, Gottlieb Daimler, among other modified engine designs and technologies for some vehicles
    also took the time these men form their own manufacturing companies which led to an evolution of the automotive industry
    production that brought drastic changes in society as was the construction of roads, bridges, traffic signals, among others, today is seeking new technologies to eliminate some problems that brought such benefit as is the production of greenhouse gases by use of petroleum-based products, these new technologies are hybrid cars, seldas hydrogen, electric cars.

  2. My favorite invention is the cell phone because it facilitates communication with our failiares, friends, cnocidos, etc. ..
    today's advanced cell technology much and we can make video calls, record conversations, send text messages in seconds and talk to a person anywhere in the world ...

    kelly fernandez :)

    1. Kelly: did you read about this invention in English? the aim is to learn about it reading the information in English

  3. I entered in the two links but i chose the second and i entered in Imagin link where I saw that the microscope was my favorite invetion (my favorite engineering invetion, because I have a lot of favorite inventios).
    The microscope was discovered o created in 1590 by two Dutch spectacle makers, Zaccharias Janssen and his son Hans, while they were creating a glass in a tube and saw that glass enlarged the objects. That was the light microscope precursor.
    After that, people like Leeuwenhoek and Hooke dedicated their lifes to study all the things (microorganisms) that they saw by the microscope. (they are considered the microscopy fathers).
    The microscope functions are: to show the differents microorganisms kinds, it depends of the habitats, pH, Temperature, to show the internal structures of this microorganisms, the microorganism agrupations, among others.
    in conclusion, the microscope is used to see objects that are too small for the naked eye.
    The microscope gives important information about all our world, because no only that the thing that we can see without it are important, the micrrorganisms are in everywhere and can be importants in the human health, agronomy, soil, air, plants, among others.
    Today, the microscope is a very important instrument in the professions, in my career (husbandry) it is important because if I am thinking in to do a milk or meat production, i have to use the microscope to search microorganisms that are in this products and If they can be good or bad for those (and their subproducts) and the human health.

    1. I am sorry, I put the word invetion in place of the word invention, I forgot an "n", in two times...

  4. Andres Camilo Castrillon
    My favorite invention is the airplane because, helped transform the world much smaller place to go anywhere in the world is no longer a dream frustrated.
    the dream of flying has always been, many legends and myths of antiquity as icaro esto.Con tell us about the first flight by man by François de Rozier and the Marquis de Arlandes (in 1783) in a lighter unit than air, a paper balloon built by the brothers Montgolfie full of hot air, the biggest challenge became building a machine heavier than air, can take flight on their own.
    Years of research by many people eager to get this achievement, generated results weak and slow, but steady. On August 28, 1883, John Joseph Montgomery was the first person to make a controlled flight with a machine heavier than air, a glider.
    and so we were establishing the foundations of aerodynamics and better designs were developed further to reach the present-day.

  5. One of my favorites inventions is the electricity, that has very important in the history of tecnology

    the development the electricity has allowed humanity de history change. first, to carry the light to street , contributed the development the others inventios as lamps, radio, T.v, spacecraft, computers.( in all inventions).

    the mythe del discovery the electricity, says that Mr Thomas Edison, made his discoverd, playing with an kite in a storm, is an history funny however is false, Mr Thomas had died while playing.

    Astrid Giraldo.. ;)

    1. Good morning!!!
      Today I can not go to class, my daughter is sick she no go the school. and i have no one to careful her.

  6. the best invention is the Internet.

    the Internet was born in 1969 in the Cold War and the World Wide Web was born in 1993 in central Europe for nuclear research and in that year the U.S. launched the first browser with public access.
    This invention is very important because it keeps you in touch with important people, it also allows learning of world news and make important transactions in the comfort of home.
    in conclusion the world is to have all information available to a pc.


  7. one very important invention is the creation of laptop computer In contrast to most devices, computers are one of those inventions that do not have a specific builder. Many people have added their creations to the list of requirements to operate a computer.

    the computers are an important part in the life of humans, there was a time where computers did not exist. Knowing the history of computers and the progress that has been done, we can understand how complicated and innovative marked the entry of this technology in our lives.

    it is amazing to believe that in so small an invention meets the widest range of capabilities to assist and have contact with the world.


  8. y favorite invention is the electrificacion, since it is the engine of the current world, we see her in any part and in any place.
    it all started At the beginning of the 20th century , in 1903 was created the Steam Turbine Generator, in 1908 was created the First solar collector, in 1903 was created the Steam Turbine Generator by Charles G., in 1908 was created the First solar collector for William J, in 1910 was created Vacuum light bulbs, in 1913 the Southern California Edison brings electricity to Los Angeles, in 1917 emerged the First long-distance high-voltage transmission line and in 1920s Windmills used to drive generators.

    These were the beginnings of electricity and one of the last progress is the Semiconductor switches enable long-range DC transmission

    alejandra velasquez

  9. my favorite invention is the electrificacion, since it is the engine of the current world, we see her in any part and in any place.

    it all started At the beginning of the 20th century , in 1903 was created the Steam Turbine Generator, in 1908 was created the First solar collector, in 1903 was created the Steam Turbine Generator by Charles G., in 1908 was created the First solar collector for William J, in 1910 was created Vacuum light bulbs, in 1913 the Southern California Edison brings electricity to Los Angeles, in 1917 emerged the First long-distance high-voltage transmission line and in 1920s Windmills used to drive generators.

    These were the beginnings of electricity and one of the last progress is the Semiconductor switches enable long-range DC transmission

    alejandra velasquez

  10. ¡hello teacher!
    I tell you that currently work in a pharmacy, a fact for which I have selected the invention of penicillin as the best among the options.
    this invention have been accomplished by alexander fleming, who throughout second World War. development the fungus application as a medicament for use in humans. in the process it was discovered what the use of penicillin was the result of a casual phenomenon. This medicine is used as an antibiotic for clinical use, requires a test to be applied, this is done for each patient.
    taking a blood sample and subjecting it to a specific clinical procedure, which is observed if the patient is resistant or not the drug.
    This finding is important for mankind, from there you have fought hundreds of diseases, since penicillin acts by killing and inhibiting the growth of various bacteria in living organisms

  11. I believe that the best invention that exists is the plane. It was invented by the famous brothers Wright, they achieved real made the dream of many persons that were before that they. The brothers Wright managed to make fly a plane. On December 17 -1903 they realized the first flight in a plane to engine. The plane is used for many things, for example to travel between cities, between countries or continents but also they can be used in military operations.

  12. I choose the car because I really like the mechanic and also because i think is one of the best and most useful inventions.The first one was created by Karl Friedrich Benz in the year eighteen eightysix, later became henry ford with new advantages and a assembly factory. Through the years they became easly to drive and became more comfortable which made them more interesting for all the people around the world. They are used to transport of products and also for the easly transport of the people.

    Hugo Gomez

  13. Printing press

    The best invention in the history, for me, is de printing press and the evolution of her across the time. The printing press was first used in the acient Rome for create stamps. Then in 1440 Johannes Gutenberg invent the modern printing press for capture forms on the paper and later publish books and words, being the book the result more beautiful and more attractive.
    The books as a result of the imagination of the human, and the letters that tell the history of the same.

    Felipe Betancur Villegas.

  14. Maria Vasquez Ossa

    My favorite invention is the telephono, because allowed that people that were in other contries could communicate with person that miss or need

    the telephone invented for Graham bells in 1876,It´s facilitates communication with our failiares, friends, and also lessens the distance between the people.

  15. Name: Kenny Daniel Mejía Gaviria

    To Travel from one place to another, with long distances, We always use a means of transport (Automobile). As is a common situation, we do not think about how important the automobile in our lives. For this reason, the automobile is my favorite invention. The automovile as known today was invented in Germany by Karl Benz in 1886. Then other pioneers presented their models, some were: Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. Later, In 1910 Henry Ford started making cars in series. This invention provides easy mobility for all people worldwide.

  16. For me the best invention, is the microchips, although I would say to all the inventions is important ,because it have helped at the evolution of society, the microchips is a invention interesting because it have his benefits and harm
    the microchips was invented by engineer Jack St. Clair Kilby in 1958
    his use in the society is very important about all, in the household appliances, that we use every day , because it has a very small circuits, that it is interconnected, allowing used a the device without the need of that it can have very large parts
    The harm is:
    Maybe in the future,it would be used for the control of the people :(

  17. for me, the best of all inventions, is writing.
    because from that time, the letters made ​​us immensely wealthy, wisdom could not express an easy way, but were recording all these works we see today from our time, and we marvel at its richness of thought, or hate that annoy us life (baldor's algebra).
    of one or another way, writing became a bond, we communicate with the past, and not erase the tides of history.

  18. three inventions that fascinate me a lot because they have left their mark within humanity, these inventions are the telephone, paper and automobile. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, the automobile by Nicolas Cugnot in the eighteenth century and finally the paper is a Chinese invention that dates back thousands of years with a useful starting papyrus.

    Why these inventions? T he car is used to move people, is an effective means of transport, agile and quick to carry all kinds of goods. plasma the role of ideas, knowledge and expressive language of the people for posterity and the phone connects us great distances and unites everyone in the world.
    all born from an idea, are now a necessity and a reality that surpasses the initial models, which are increasingly necessary and vital to our humanity, definitely the necessity is the mother of creativity.

    Last but not least I found penicillin alexander fleming invented at the dawn of the First World War, penicillin is an antibiotic that has cured millions of people and served to prolong the lives of thousands in harsh environments and normal and is considered by the aspirin of the most important drugs of all time .....

    Greeting everybody ..........

    Miguel Angel "totto" Correal

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I think that an invention that really change the form to listen and live was the phonograph.

    Invented by Thomas Edison in 1877, the phonograph was used to play sounds that was record in a pieze of plastic calls acetate. For reproduce the sound, the phonograph makes pass over the acetate, a little needle(stylus). When this little needle calls stylus crash with the slots in the pieze of plastic, the phonograph makes magically a wonderfull sound

    Santiago Montoya

  21. Hello Deisa, i choose one invent out of your links, this one is the Liquid Cristal Display, also knows as LCD.

    This invention is a variation of the simple Liquid Cristals, that are the displays used in our alarm clocks, our digital wristwatch, or in the simple electronic calculators; so the liquid cristal display incorporates the direct light emission, and we can see that in the LCD TV's and in the modern computers.

    The invention of the liquid crystal displays is not in charge of only one person, because there was a lot of person working in this since 1888. In this year, Friedrich Reinitzer discovers the liquid crystalline nature of cholesterol extracted from carrots. After that, other people in differents countries, starts to work in the evolution of this, and in the year of 1972 the first active matrix liquid crystal display was produced in United States by a company called Westinghouse.

    About the history od this device, is very difficult to know who was the inventor, because this invention is a product of very large list of changes, and also, searching in other websites, these mention to Jack Jannig as the Inventor, and the year 1968 as the time of the invention. So, at the end, i decided to do not put this invention in hand of someone, it was product of the human intellect.

    The aplications was listed up, the monitors of desktop computers and partable computers, the tv's, the cellphones, the gameboy's, and similars.

    1. line 12... in the evolution of it, or in the development of it.

  22. Daniel Mejía Castaño

    My favorite invention is the telephone:

    The phone is very useful because is a device that sends and receives voice messages, usually by electric current. People can talk with each other at distances where a human voice cannot travel that far. In just a few seconds, you can telephone a person across the street, in another country, or on another continent.
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

  23. the computer
    for my the best invention is computer,
    I think, that is the invetion that accelerated all , the way in which , we relate , we comunicate , do business, to day is our means of comunications excellnce, has been an invention where contributed many people intelligent and also many fortunes were made , many advances in science made possible by the computer

  24. for me the microchip is the most important invention since without this the world would not exist today computers, electronic devices that make daily life easier in addition to facilitating communication and shorten time and distance between two sites.
