Final assessment

June 12

Criteria for evaluating the course:
Communicative skills
1.    English activities program (7)


2.    Blog activities


3.    Book or story


4.    Resume


5.    Project


1. Do you think you deserve to pass from level 3 to level 4? Assign yourself a grade from 1 to 5 to each criterion and justify your grades
2. How do you think I can improve this course? Comment about this course, about the teacher's methodology? Please write down as many comments as you can; they are outstanding for me!
Placement test 
Take again the placement test so that you'll realize if you have advanced in this level or if you are in the same level. Compare the scores you got in the first test (on March 13) with the last scores and write in comments what has been the difference.

Go to the following link and do the listening comprehension tests 13 and 14: 

Then, go to the grammar test:


  1. 1 English activities program (7) c =4
    2 Blog activities c= 3.8 very little participation
    3 Book or story C= 3.5 Realize a very superficial reading
    4 Resume C= 4
    5 Project C= 4.5 little vocabulary
    6 Reading C= 3. 2
    7 Listening C=3.0
    8 Writing C= 3
    9 Speaking C= 3
    10 Grammar C= 3
    my skills in English are not very good so I qualify in this way also Placement test not was the best i am in the same level

    Two things are very important
    the dedication as a student and another teacher's pedagogy

    English bases are very important and still get these courses where the lack of listening to the teaching language affects much of it is very good what the teacher puts signal beginning of the course but she should accompany the activities.

    1. Hey Johan, I think you tried to do a good job but you must work harder if you want to get a good level of English, it's only with effort that you can get something, anyway you can continue with your learning process in level 4!

  2. Carlos Andres Velez Cadavid
    Ing. Administrativa
    c.c 1036942728


    English activities program (7)= 4
    Blog activities= 4
    Book or story = 4.1111
    Resume = 4
    Project = 3.5

    Reading = 3.9
    Writing = 3.2
    Speaking = 3.3
    grammar = 3.7

    1) I´m between the devil and the blue sky sea but, modestly
    i might to pass to the next level because i have learn a lot and i be able to communicate so either by sabblings.I have realised of my headway. grade:3.5

    2)Briefly, Nothing venture nothing gained¡¡ you, on your own have been bet with our class proposals to improve this the second lenguage.More than anything else is that you feel good with the shore like teacher, besides our aprentizeship is the testimony.ohhh yeaa teacher going on working a little grammar, at least once each fifteen days jejje. THANKS

    1. 3)placement test:
      93.3 %

    2. Hi Carlos, I also think you might pass to level 4 because you have learned a lot and you are able to communicate even though you don't have clear many grammar concepts ;)

  3. 1). I think I deserve to pass from level 3 to level 4 because I did almost everything that I must and I really have improved.
    English activities program (7): 4.5
    Blog activities: 5 (I participated in every activity on the blog and I think that was ok)
    Book or story: 5 (I really took my time to read my book)
    Resume: 4.8 (I did this thinking in everything that I had learned)
    Project: 4 (My presentation wasn't very clear for many people but I think that I did a good work and we were creative)
    Reading: 4.5 (I don't understand reading sometimes because off vocabulary, I need more practice to improve)
    Listening: 4.5 (I think I'm good listening because I have improved)
    Writing: 4.5 (I have done many things to improve this topic)
    Speaking: 4.5 (I'm not so good because I say things with a wrong pronunciation)
    Grammar: 4.8 (I have improved)

    2). I think this course was very interesting. Many people don't do that the teacher do. you taught us in a lot of ways that we must learn something in some way.
    your methodology is very nice, you put a lot of work but I think is fine because with practice we learn. you are very didactic and funny, I really enjoyed this course.
    and... off course, you deserve to pass this course, you are an excellent teacher.

    3)I couldn't do the listening comprehension tests because on the web I couldn't find these tests.
    I got 91% on the grammar test. I have improved... :)

    1. You did a really good job Marisol, congratulations! try to trust more in what you know!

    2. Profe... aca no dejas muy claro si pase o no de nivel... :D te falto decirlo, yo lo asumo por la felicitacion pero donde no... jajajajaj I'm kidding :D

  4. 1 English activities program (7) Score: 4,5
    Because I did the EAP with the topics that were difficult for me and I acquire new knowledge that allow me as to grammar.
    2 Blog activities Score: 4
    Because I don't submitted at time and in some issues my participation wasn't the better.
    3 Book or story Score: 1
    Although I don't read anyone book o story, I was present when
    the other classmates told their story.
    4 Resume Score:4
    Because I don't did resume according to the parameters, however I did my resume with true information and other good ideas.
    5 Project Score:4
    Because our project compared with other projects was less structured.
    6 Reading Score: 3
    Because I have basic vocabulary yet (I going to work it in the future)
    7 Listening Score: 3.5
    Because it is difficult for me, but I have improved.
    8 Writing Score: 4
    Because in this course I learn new topics that allow me to have a good performance.
    9 Speaking Score: 3.8
    Because now I am less shy for speak although I don't pronunce very good yet.
    10 Grammar Score:4.3
    Because I consider what I have necessary foundations for grammar, but i lack some things for to learn.

    I think that this course can improve if we "the students" implicate with the ENGLISH and we value these spaces.

    In the placement test I acquire a result better result, because I improve a little in listening and grammar; it through the exercises done.

    Alejandra Velásquez.

    Thank Theacher.

    1. I'm very grateful to see your progress...and that you enjoy a lot this course! good luck in level 4 ;)

  5. Andres Camilo Castrillon Agudelo

    English activities program (7)= 4.5
    Blog activities= 4.5
    Book or story = 4.
    Resume = 3.8
    Project = 4

    Reading = 4
    Writing = 3.5
    Speaking = 3
    grammar = 3.7

    I improved my English, although I have yet to improve much. but I can go to the next level because I can mehorar much more my level with dedication, also in this holiday's goal is to practice a lot of English to go well for the level four.

    1. You have showed dedication and that is an advantage for you, continue working in this way in level 4 ;)

  6. Tasks

    1. English activities program: 3.8
    2. Blog activities: 4.4
    3. Book story:2.5
    4. Resume: 0.0
    5. Proyect: 2.0

    Comunicative skills

    1. Reading: 4.0
    2. Listening: 4.0
    3. Speaking: 3.0
    4. Grammar: 3.6

    "I was very mediocre because I really don't enjoy english language or at least, english classes, whatever the teacher is. I made my best effort for trying to learn english. I consider that I should not pass to the next level, not because of my english level, but because I did'nt approach the curse objetives, didn't show any enthusiasm and did't participate enough. I would like to approve it just for getting rid of that big load for me, but really I didn't make some effort for approving it.

    Felipe Betancur Villegas.

    1. I totally agree with you and it is a shame that you don't enjoy learning English because I noticed that if you made an effort, you could have acquired a good level. I also think it is better for you to repeat level 3, maybe with another methodology learning a foreign language can make sense for you! good luck!

  7. Tasks grades
    1. English activities program ,grades 3 i did 5 activities and i do that last week
    2. Blog activities, grades 4. i did every activities
    3. Book or story,grades 2, i read the stories in intenet
    4. Resume, grades 4, i present this activity at time
    5. Project, grades 4, we dedicate time and i think that it were a good activity.
    6. Grammar. grades 4, i dedicate time and my presentation was good
    7. Reading, grades 4, i did the text and was good. my grade was 78%.
    8. Listening,grades 4, i did the text and was good. my grade was 84%. 4
    9. writing, grades 2, i did the text and was regular. my grade was 58%.
    10.speaking, grades 3, i lack fluence

    The methodology is good but there should be greater monitoring of activities, exhibitions of grammar do not because people do not know the subject well and are not explicit

    1. Thanks for your comments Sergio! I also think you are ready for passing to level 4, try to take more risks in the following level, you know but you need to practice it!

  8. 1./ I think I deserve to pass from to level 3 to level 4, because I studied consciously the following topics:

    English activities program (7): 4.5, because I practiced individual activities.
    Blog activities: 4.3, I participate in all activities of this blog.
    Book or story: 4.2, I wrote about a real story, and shared with my partners.
    Resume: 4.4, Here I enjoy writing about me, with my dreams, and my professional life.
    Project: 4.3, This activity was very important for the teamwork and presentation of the invent. Allowed the development of creativity.
    Reading: 4.0, I read some books and articles in class or in my house.
    Listening: 4.0, I practiced listening music and audio of movies.
    Writing: 3.8, My practiced of writing were in class, redacting story and about my ideas.
    Speaking: 4.1,I speak with my friends and partners for internet, in this dialogues improve my fluency.
    Grammar: 4.5, I read and write about a English book in library. Also, practiced in virtual test.

    2. /
    I thing the teacher is a very cute. She uses a very good methodology. Her mode of teaching is dynamic and very funny. Teacher, you are the best.!
    3. / In my placement test: my score are: 70%

    Leidy Lorena Martínez Rojas

    1. Thanks Lorena, you are also a very good student! I also think you are ready to continue your process in level 4, good luck ;)

  9. 1. 4.8
    2. 4.5
    3. 4.5
    4. 4
    5. 3.8
    kelly fernandez garay =)

  10. 6 Reading C= 3. 6
    7 Listening C=4.1
    8 Writing C= 3
    9 Speaking C= 3.5
    10 Grammar C= 3
    kelly fernandez =)

    1. Hey Kelly, you didn't write why you consider you deserve to pass this level! I'm waiting for your comments!

    2. think i should improve my grammar, and improve my oral expression (speaking), I will STRIVE to Make This holiday possible as to the work done in class and Those of the blog I Was Considerably good.

      I think the course well structured, the teacher is an essential tool for us to learn and what Motivates us and assign tasks for learning the Appropriate

      I think I should proceed to the next level and I noticed a big improvement in my knowledge, improve my speech and I lost the fear of speaking in English and is more fluid and easier for me now, I owe much to the teacher for his emphasis on work and in the process of learning, I really want to see the next level with you.
      kelly =)

  11. Name: Daniel Felipe Mejia Castaño

    1. English activities program: 3.0 (I always did extracurricular work, but I did not send the EAP, because I thought that would lose because of my bad writing)

    2. Blog activities: 4.0 (I did the works, but never in the best way)

    3. Book or story: 2.0 (I did not have the opportunity to tell my story, but if I read on the web)

    4. Resume: 3.0 (I performed the activity, but I didn't learned a lot from it)

    5. Project: 4.0 (I know that was not the best project, but we strive to do the best way)

    6. Reading: 4.0 (Reading and grammar are my biggest strength in this language)

    7. Listening: 3.0(Listening, Writing and Speaking are more difficult to understand for me)
    8. Writing: 3.0
    9. Speaking: 3.0
    10. Grammar: 4.0

    Grammar text 84% Level 3
    Listening comprehension 70%

    I think this course have a very good methodology, is didactic and the most important is to instill love of learning it, because it is too needed a language today, the teacher is excellent, she has extensive knowledge of the language and know how we must study to learn, but the problem is not that; learn English if we work hard for it.

    1. I have seen Daniel that you have had some progress, specially in your attitude, now you enjoy more learning English and that is an advantage, but you must work harder if you want to get a good level of English, good luck in level 4 ;)

  12. Cordial saludo. Esta mañana di a conocer mi opinion del curso. Me parecio una experiencia enriquesedora tanto a cademicamente como socialmente. En la clase el momento de esparcimiento siempre estuvo presente y como ya lo dije, eso es fundamental para que aprendamos una nueva lengua sin tapujos, miedos, discordias o conflictos dentro de la clase. Su procedimiento para enseñar me parcer excelente puesto que ud tiene clara la idea de que, quien estudia lo hace por estudiar y no por vender notas u obtenerlas del docente. Aunque el cambio en el aprendizaje no lo veremos si no con el tiempo, pues requiere una practica constante, valoro su total entrega a la educacion, teniendo en cuenta las condiciones a las cuales los docentes y en general la educacion, es sometida. Gracias por enseñarnos y hacer del ingles una lengua entendible, amable y legible. Respecto a mi calificacion, diré solamente que me esforcé en la medida de lo posible por responder cons mis deberes academicos y valorar de su parte el esfuerzo que ésto implica. Solo ud puede conciderar la calificacion y valoracion del estudiante, puesto que ud no entra al juego del interes personal o subjetividad a la que el estudiante tiende a participar al momento de su autoevaluacion. Gracias nuevamente y espero ver ingles IV con ud.

    1. I respect and appreciate your thought but I think that any student must know how to identify and recognize his/her learning progress and value it, this is a condition to become an autonomous being not only in education but also in the social life. Of course you did a good job and that is why you deserve to continue your process in level 4 ;)

  13. 1. English activities program: 3.5

    2. Blog activities: 4.0

    3. Book or story: 3.5

    4. Resume: 3.4

    5. Project: 4.0
    skills :

    6. Reading: 3.0

    7. Listening: 3.0
    8. Writing: 2.0
    9. Speaking: 3.0
    10. Grammar: 2.0

    Grammar text 64%
    Listening comprehension 70%
    1 I think i should move to the next level , my performance was bad at firs , I was improving everidas and complice with the activities assigned in it most
    2 not much to say about the teacher connect with students and was very funny learned a lot


    1. English activity program: 3 Even if i didn't do all the activities, I really take interest in all of them
    2. Blog activities: 3.5 I didn't post all of the exercises but I was allways checking the activities
    3. Book or story: 4
    4. Resume: 2.5 i send it really late
    5. Project: 4.5 I think I did a really good effort to make a technical presentation of the architectural project
    6. Reading: 4.5
    7. Listening: 5
    8. Writing: 4
    9. Speaking: 4
    10. Grammar: 4

    I think i deserve to pass to the next level, because i feel that my habilities have improve, and that I fill the objectives of the comunicative skills.

    I allready said my obserbations about the course in class.

    1. It is a pity that we couldn't appreciate better all the potential you have regarding English, I think you have a good level but you must practice it a little bit more so that you can get a better proficiency, good luck in level 4 and try to be more participative ;)

  15. I think I should improve my grammar, and improve my oral expression (speaking), I will strive to make this holiday possible as to the work done in class and those of the blog I was considerably good.

    I think the course well structured, the teacher is an essential tool for us to learn and what motivates us and assign the appropriate tasks for learning

    kelly fernandez =)

    1. Grammar text 80% Level 3
      Listening comprehension 73%


    1. English activities program: 3.5

    2. Blog activities: 4.2

    3. Book or story: 3.8

    4. Resume: 5

    5. Project: 4.5
    skills :

    6. Reading: 4.0

    7. Listening: 3.0

    8. Writing: 4.0

    9. Speaking: 3.0

    10. Grammar: 3.5

    1. you did a good job Maria! try to put in practice in level 4 what you know!

  17. I think my work was good during all semester what happened was to as I had many test and my responsibility it was reduced but my interest continued
    Though the expectations of the course was very laborious, I did an effort by do the things with quality
    My notes would be:

    English activities program: what killed me was the time, but I did all: 3.3
    Blog activities: I did all and I liked do them 4.4
    Book or story: I was good because the teacher did not need correct nothing and besides I carried various stories: 5.0
    Resume: only I had a mistake and I expressed to safe with my partners: 4.7
    Project: the difficult was explain to the partners: 4.0
    Reading: I did not know, I think to good though yet I need more vocabulary but I think to defend me with what I know: 3.6
    Listening: this is skill that I have more developed: 4.5
    Writing: I need more practice in the redaction: 3.7
    Speaking: my pronunciation has improved, but if I go to talk with fluidity, is difficult for me:3.5
    Grammar: the grammar is very boring, but I understand, though I think that was not me well in the test: 3.8
    I think the methodology is excellent I don't have nothing of complaint ,I would like see the level 4 with you, it would be good that the course have field exits jeje
    My score listening is 85
    And grammar test was 70
    I could improve a little thanks to you, teacher

    1. Thanks for having done a complete evaluation!
      I agree with you, you have done a good job and deserve to continue working hard in the next level!
      Regarding the field work, I will take into account your suggestion!

  18. Miguel Angel Correal Betancur
    Ciencia Politica
    c.c 11037597737


    English activities program (7)= 4.5
    Blog activities= 4.3
    Book or story = 3.9
    Resume = 4
    Project = 4

    Reading = 4.6
    Listening= 2.9
    Writing = 3.1
    Speaking = 3.9
    grammar = 3.8
    TEST FINAL :81% happy … full happy …I feel I improved gradually during the semester, I'll be practicing every day much more prepared to face a level four.

    1) With the DEISA teacher learned things previously thought not get to learn, I think with a little effort and perseverance will END strengthened the last level of English and the first of a long process of preparation towards my Masters and my dream Harvard or Oxford university.

    2) There is much to be learned if you work autonomous and constant, daily and be gradual qeu seek to improve our performance, this class with this methodology helps us to acquire the tools and remove fears, express ourselves better, would take another level with the Deisa teacher and I would risk more to learn, understand, doing crazy things to learn everything because with that kind of person one is inspired.

    1. thank you ...... so much teacher ............and good luck ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

    2. Thanks Miguel for your "flowers", you are also an inspired student!
      You did a good job this level but I also think you decreased your work, did you have much work to do?
      Anyway! you have high expectations and I am sure you will work harder to accomplish them! good luck in level 4 ;)

    3. la verdad mi trabajo se vio reducido por muchos factores emocionales ... luchar con una crisis economica familiar donde estas al borde de perderlo todo es duro , un sin sabor de situaciones academicas y personales hacen que muchas veces vayas a tu clase con una sonrisa pero con muchas cosas adentro ... voy a trabajar para finalizar el cuarto nivel como se debe pero a veces no se como lo hare con tantas presiones que hacen perder tu norte ...



    1. English activities program: 3.5

    2. Blog activities: 4.2

    3. Book or story: 3.8

    4. Resume: 5

    5. Project: 4.5
    skills :

    6. Reading: 4.0

    7. Listening: 3.0

    8. Writing: 4.0

    9. Speaking: 3.0

    10. Grammar: 3.5

    1. Do you think you from level 3 to level 4? Assign yourself a grade from 1 to 5 to each criterio and justify your grades

    R// Yes, I think that I deserve to pass next level because I improve in a certain grade my level in english and that´s the important thing; now I understand daily conversations, songs and have more vocabulary.

    I do and effort to learn and speak fluent, but i I need to know more about grammar rules and vocabulary to have more habilities and confidence in myself that permits me improve my broken english.

    2. How do you think I can improve this course? Comment about this course, about the teacher's methodology? Please write down as many comments as you can; they are outstanding for me!

    Using different resources more frecuently like: movies,educational outings, etc.
    Other suggestions would be: encourage or create conversational groups from the earliest levels to relate well with different people and getting better little by little on the part of speech and pronuntiation... we need to practice.

    text results

    Grammar text 92% Level 3
    Listening comprehension 73%

  20. Kenny Daniel Mejía Gaviria

    1. English activities program=5.0: I hice muchas actividades que yo consideraba importantes para mi aprendizaje. Yo realmente hice todas las actividades y Yo traté de aprender de cada actividad.

    2.Blog activities (4.5): I did all the activities, but sometimes I did not time.

    3. Book or story (4.0): I read a short story because I did not have much time. I wanted to read a whole book but it was really impossible for me.

    4. Resume (4.5): I did the curriculum Vitae the best I could. I can not make the interview because for reasons unrelated to the subject.

    5. Project (4.5): I can evaluate the project from two perspectives.
    -Content and written presentation: In this part I believe the project was very good.

    -Oral Exhibition: In this part I consider that I was not great because I could not prepare a statement on the best way, but I do at my best in the structuring of the project.

    6. Reading (4.5): I consider this component I in a manner acceptable performance, because this is what I practice more frequently. However, I know I should practice more to improve the level.

    7. Listening (3.5): Think my weakest point in learning English is listening. Still difficult for me to understand long presentations in English, especially when the speakers speak quickly. I try to listen to programs in English, to improve my listening skills.

    8. Writing (4.0): I must make several written in English as a requirement for my subjects or research. For this reason, I feel I am ready to write acceptably. Also, I can improve more with practice in other writings.

    9. Speaking (3.5): To me it's not easy to speak in English. I should greatly improve pronunciation, vocabulary, which is an important tool to speak fluently.

    10. Grammar (4.0): This semester I studied more grammatical topics that last semester. I think that learning is necessary to correct these issues much study, as well as continued application will not forget. I believe that this item should I practice to improve my level.

    I think if I can go to level four. I notice that I advanced in my learning the language.

    In my opinion, the method used to teach the teacher is very good. The classes are very nice, there is no pressure, and the teacher proposes several works to improve different skills. Clearly semanles four hours is very little to advance to a good pace, but the professor proposed work at home to help increase the time devoted to the subject.

    The test result grammatical was better than the result of commencement of course. Undoubtedly the activities during the semester, have helped in the improvement process.

    1. Very complete your assessment Kenny, I'm proud of you!
      OF course you can continue with your process in level 4, I advise you to work harder your listening and speaking skills, especially the last one. I realized you have improved a lot your reading and writing skills!

  21. I think that i have the basic skills and knowledges to take the next course, that is english four. I can say that based in the teacher's concept of me, and it is enough for me.

    I have the ability to do the exercises proposed in class, and i think this is te idea of the course.

    About the grades in each criterion, i think the same that Chicaiza wrote, and i only have to say that i realized all the activities in the course, except 2 EAPs, and i think there isn't a problem.. The grades do not have parameters, so i consider that as an absurd exercise, with all respect.

    I realize the grammar test, and the score was 64 percent, it means, more deficient than the last attempt.

    I can't realize the listening test, it was not available in the website.

    2. To improve the course, i think that you could organize more exercises that requires all the attention of the students. Also, you could incorporate periodic evaluations, as an element to decide to pass the students to next level, because i think that we do not take this subject with the necessary importance. The students must to understand that this subject is another responsability to assume, with all the respect, because i see that the student take this subject like a bored obligation, or like a "paseo".

    Finally, i must to say excuse me about the grammar in my text, but i'm only a student. And excuseme for the honesty in my comment.

    Thanks a lot!! and seriously i hope to see you later, you're an interest and beautiful woman.

    1. Reconsiderando lo de la autoevaluación, si es un aspecto importante, pero creo que la calificación numérica no cabe, como me justifica ud un 3,3 o 4,25???? simplemente es hacer un cambio a calificación cualitativa para el desempeño, it means, bueno, regular, malo.. Thanks for reading my text.

    2. I agree with you Diego! grades are symbolic and I ask you to assign one grade to your work because I know you are experts in grades. Anyway, regarding your work, you did a very good job and I didn't expect less from you although you didn't accomplish all the activities proposed in class. Good luck in level 4 and try to practice more what you know in English ;)

  22. Tasks:
    English activities program (7): 3.0 very basic. (G-)
    Blog activities: 3.5 develop as my understanding.
    Book or story: 1.9 mediocre.
    Resume: 3.5 wordless.
    Project: 3.0 was sad for me.

    Reading: Basic-
    Listening: Bad
    Writing: Basic-
    Speaking: Basic-
    Grammar: Is where we have worked is half

    My qualification is not good, but my proposite is improve...

    1. Even though I saw you tried to do your best, you must work harder if you want to get a good level of English, I consider you can continue with your process in the following level. I hope your purpose for next level is a promise!


    I think the course has been very enrriquecedor for me. in the matter of qualification consider:

    - English Activities program (7) = I did 7, and consciousness. (3.9)
    - Blog Activities = rating (4.0)
    - Book or story = 3.5
    - Resume = 3.8
    - Project = 4.0 the chingoroza machine.

    - Reading = in my career I have to read many things in English, and what I learned in the course I improved a little reading. rating (4.0)
    -Listening = this is an issue that gives me a little more difficult, more than others. rating (3.5)
    - Writing = I like the subject of grammar, I have improved a bit. rating (3.8)
    - Speaking = I felt more confident to speak, I have a little fluid. (3.8)
    - Grammar = (3.9)

    1. Johanna you did a good job and I noticed you improved your level of English, good luck in level 4 ;)

  24. Well, when i register this course, i have a principal objective: Unlock myself. Let the ideas that my brains make, pass througth my mouth and speak them. I feel a important change in this objective, i dont think that i succes it but, i feel the change. if i pass or no, in this course i learn, that i can use many tools to improve my english.

    If i really cares the grade, only the grade, i put my self a 3.0. Because i have advanced in my own objective but i dont know how i am in the course objectives, and i dont do many of the activities that you programed for the course.

    1 English activities program (7) c = 0.0
    2 Blog activities c= 4.0
    3 Book or story C= 4
    4 Resume C= 4
    5 Project C= 2
    6 Reading C= 4
    7 Listening C=3.5
    8 Writing C= 3.5
    9 Speaking C= 3
    10 Grammar C= 3

    1. I agree with you! unfortunately, you didn't accomplish all the course objectives even though you have showed you have certain knowledge of English but, like many average students, you could pass with a 3.0. I hope you have learned from this course that if you don't work harder, you hardly acquire a better level of English ;)

  25. hello teacher and I?
    give you written self-examination.

    Astrid giraldo

  26. Hello, teacher worth the time but it was a little busy,
    1.I think I should move from level 3 to 4, because I studied a lot in the course and I feel great relief.
    2. I think the course is good, though I think it could improve a bit with a little more than exercises in class "Grammar topics".
    English activities program : 3.5
    Blog activities: 5.0
    Book or story: 3.5
    Resume: 5.0
    Project: 5.0
    Reading: 4.5
    Listening: 4.5
    Writing: 4.5
    Speaking: 4.0
    Grammar: 4.0

    Hugo Gómez.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. English activities program : 3.0
    Blog activities: 4.2
    Book or story: 4.0
    Resume: 4.5
    Project: 3.6
    Reading: 3.5
    Listening: 4.0
    Writing: 3.5
    Speaking: 4.0
    Grammar: 3.7
    teacher, that shame. you can only access the blog today. I had two weeks very hard in other subjects.
    please forgive me
    if I spend the next level? I leave to your judgment, because you know the growth and development we had in the course
    thank you very much for everything


    1. ya esta en el ia =)

    2. Si, desaparecieron alguien que me diga que pasa.

    3. si... nos vamos a quedar sin nota!!!!!!

  30. todos a repetir :´(

  31. Andres Camilo Castrillon Agudelo


    hola profe , lo que pasa es que no me aparece todavia la aprobacion del curso en el sia; y hasta hoy hay plaso de subir las notas. le agradesco la atencion prestada.

    1. compa no se preocupe que somos, creo que todos, los que estamos asi... hubo un dia en el que saliò la nota, esperemos que esa nota que aparecio ese unico dia, sea la nota final.
